The Southern California Bluebird Club is a non-profit education and conservation organization which promotes protection and support of Western Bluebirds and other cavity nesting birds that have historically relied on tree cavities for nesting.
Why we do what we do
Cavity nesting birds are under extraordinary pressures. Learn why we support them and how we’re making a difference.

Koerner USFWS
A bluebird vs a ‘blue’ bird
Not all birds with blue coloring are bluebirds. Discover examples.
Click here.
Not all birds are cavity-nesters.
And not all cavity-nesters accept nest boxes. View an example of those in Southern California that do.
Click here.

Western Screech-Owl by Jeri Langham
You’re invited to our meetings
Like falling into a pot of jam! That will be your experience if you attend our meetings on the first Saturday of every month in Irvine, CA. Bird and nature lovers are joyful friends. They thrive on shared stories. They enjoy being helpful. You’ll feel wiser and inspired. Your life may be touched with new meaning! Learn more.

Becoming a nest box monitor is easy and fun.
This is a springtime responsibility only. From March-July you perform weekly checks of your nest boxes as your schedule allows. An experienced monitor will be your trainer. You will be assigned a convenient nest box trail with no more boxes than you wish to manage. Boxes and lifters are provided. A long-term commitment is not required. Learn more...
Have a bluebird emergency?
If you are in southern California and have an emergency with your nesting birds or boxes, we provide resources and phone numbers appropriate for your location. Click here to learn more.