
Ten Great Volunteer Opportunities
Contact Bill Wallace at socalbluebirdclub38@gmail.com

  1. Monitoring nest boxes is fun and educational. If you aren’t already a bird or nature lover, you will soon be! An experienced mentor will show you how easy it is to monitor a box and record data between April-July when bluebirds nest. You will be given a nest box trail and an easy-to-manage lifter to install and lower boxes from trees. Our friendly, informal monthly meetings in Irvine will provide an opportunity to meet other monitors, have questions answered and share stories. Speakers will enhance your nature education— all at no charge!
  2. Become an advocate for bluebirds and other cavity nesting species by helping at our booth at community events. These are opportunities to share what you’ve learned. Just by conveying your knowledge and passion you can inspire others and make a difference.
  3. Build nest boxes for the club. All instructions and materials will be provided.
  4. Edit materials under development or revision.
  5. Help in the fall with our campaign to recruit new nest box monitors and members.
  6. Donate high quality and interesting photos of cavity nesting birds.
  7. Write informative articles for our newsletter and website.
  8. Recruit speakers for our monthly meetings.
  9. Contribute informative information to our Facebook page.
  10. Offer to assume a leadership role when vacancies become available.